Is Brian Subich a cheater or the victim of bad judging

June 3, 2007

sub11.jpgIn the Nathans Philly qualifier Brian Subich was accused of dumping debris in one of his cups and credited for a plate of hot dogs the fans in the audience felt he did not eat. Subich has been the victim of ridicule since he became a competitive eater in the IFOCE. Did he actually coverup evidence or has he gotten bum deals because the judges arent doing their job properly?

Would you make the jump?

April 30, 2007

cook1.jpgmenchhh.jpgIf anyone other than arnie chapman were running the aice , would you consider a move to that organization . Would you consider joining an eating organization run by Joe Menchetti or Cookie Jarvis. This post applies to mid to lower ranked eaters that have never reaped the benefits or the prosperities in the IFOCE , that higher ranked members have  enjoyed.

Why are fans boycotting BB corner

April 29, 2007

pickle.jpg  Please give your thoughts as to why BB corner PPV has not been recieved very well by the fans. It appears that very few have purchased the first show during its PPV inception. Nasty  moronic comments from BB haters will be deleted.

Hello world!

April 29, 2007

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!